Kindergarten Leads Pledge of Allegiance

November 20, 2019 17 comments Aaron Delhay Categories Uncategorized

The Freeman Kindergarten students were proud to lead the community and school in our Pledge of Allegiance during
the Veteran’s Day Program at Freeman Public Schools on November 11, 2019. We’ve talked just a little bit about the
meaning of the pledge and why we say it each morning at school. Our discussion also helped them to understand a little
bit about why we honor our veterans on this special day. I’ve asked my class what the Pledge of Allegiance means to
them and why we celebrate Veteran’s Day. Here are their responses.

Jack Ahlschwede: We say the pledge because it is good to show that we like America. We celebrate Veteran’s Day
because the army guys mostly always are fighting and they wouldn’t get to come to our gym to celebrate.

Jase Dixon: We say the pledge so we can take care of people and to give thanks to people. We celebrate Veteran’s Day
because there was a lot of people fighting in the army and we want to tell them thank you and for letting us be safe.

Camdyn Floth: We say the pledge because we’re glad to say it. We celebrate Veteran’s Day so we know God is here
and we look at the flag. And so people in the army can get the quilt for keeping us safe.

Madelyn Francke: We say the pledge for the United States of America. We celebrate Veteran’s Day because it helps us
to be safe.

Breeley Fritzen: We say the pledge so we remember America. We celebrate Veteran’s Day so we remember that we’re

Hallie Hobaugh: We say the pledge and celebrate Veterans Day because they have to save us from bad guys.

Audrey Johansen: We say the pledge because of God. We celebrate Veteran’s Day because they fight in the army and
they protect our world so we can be safe.

Mya Mencl: We say the pledge because it helps God do the pledge with us. We celebrate Veteran’s Day so we can
wear red, white, and blue.

Elizabeth Owen: We say the pledge because it’s for God. We celebrate Veteran’s Day for the guys that saved us from
the bad guys.

Brianna Podtburg: We say the pledge to help us learn the pledge. We celebrate Veteran’s Day because the army
people fighted for us and helped to keep us safe.

Kace Schoen: We say the pledge for the United States of America. We celebrate Veteran’s Day to lead the Pledge of

Ava Stanley: We say the pledge so we know we’re safe. We celebrate Veteran’s Day because we honor people who
were in the army.

Nevi Svoboda: We say the pledge for the school. We celebrate Veteran’s Day to lead the pledge.

Bristol Wirthele: We say the pledge because we think about the army and to be safe and respectful. We celebrate
Veteran’s Day because we want to celebrate those who save us and the country.

Henry Worthington: We say the pledge to remember people that have died. We celebrate Veteran’s Day so they can
remember all the freedom we have had in the years past and remember what it has been.

-Marcy Marker