School Board

The Freeman Board of Education normally conducts the regular monthly meeting on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Freeman Public Schools Media Center.  Specific dates, times, and locations for regular and special meetings and hearings will be posted in the posted Notice of Meeting.  Notice of Meetings are routinely posted at the following locations:  Adams Post Office, Filley Post Office, Freeman Central Office, Freeman Secondary Office, Freeman Website.

Communication is encouraged, however it is important to communicate issues to the appropriate individual and follow the proper protocol for bringing an issue to the school’s attention.

Guidelines for public participation during School Board meetings is under policy #2009 found under School Board Policies.

Freeman BOE

Pictured from Left to Right:

Front– Myron Schoen, Tiffany Buhr (Secretary), Eldon Ideus (Treasurer)

Back– Shawn Mencl (President), Kyle Dorn (Vice President), A.J. Wiese

The Freeman Public Schools Board of Education belongs to the following organizations: 

  • Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association (NRCSA) $850

  • Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB) $4365

  • Membership dues are paid annually.