🏀Final🏀 Freeman🐦Falcons🟰5️⃣2️⃣ Sandy Creek🐱Cougars🟰3️⃣2️⃣ Top🏀Scorers: 🐦Hudson Vetrovsky🟰1️⃣4️⃣ 🐦Keegan White🟰1️⃣2️⃣ 🐱Kamerin Sealey🟰1️⃣1️⃣ 🐦Owen Buss🟰9️⃣ 🐱Ethan Shaw🟰9️⃣ 🐦Easton Buss🟰8️⃣ 🐦Trevor Reed🟰8️⃣ 🐱Jackson Clark🟰6️⃣ 🐱Evan Swartzendruber🟰3️⃣ 🐱Jacob Petr🟰2️⃣ 🐦Aiden Glanz🟰1️⃣ 🐱Wesley Biltoft🟰1️⃣ The🐦Falcons are🚌headed to🏆State‼️ They📈improve to 2️⃣4️⃣➖1️⃣ on the🏀season and will play Thursday, March 13th at 9:00am at Bob Devaney‼️ 👀See🫵🏻you there‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
10 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
3️⃣rd Quarter: Freeman🐦Falcons🟰4️⃣5️⃣ Sandy Creek🐱Cougars🟰2️⃣3️⃣ #WeAreFreeman🐦
10 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
🏀Halftime🏀 Freeman🐦Falcons🟰3️⃣4️⃣ Sandy Creek🐱Cougars🟰1️⃣7️⃣ Top🏀Scorers: 🐦Hudson Vetrovsky🟰1️⃣0️⃣ 🐦Easton Buss🟰8️⃣ 🐦Owen Buss🟰6️⃣ 🐱Kamerin Sealey🟰6️⃣ 🐦Trevor Reed🟰5️⃣ 🐱Ethan Shaw🟰5️⃣ 🐦Keegan White🟰4️⃣ 🐱Evan Swartzendruber🟰3️⃣ 🐱Jackson Clark🟰3️⃣ 🐦Aiden Glanz🟰1️⃣ #WeAreFreeman🐦
10 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
1️⃣st Quarter: Freeman🐦Falcons🟰2️⃣0️⃣ Sandy Creek🐱Cougars🟰7️⃣ #WeAreFreeman🐦
10 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
We are 1️⃣0️⃣ minutes⏳out from the🎬start of the🐦Falcons taking on the🐱Cougars in C2-1 District🏆Championship‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
10 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
🚨🚨🚨 For those traveling to the game from the northeast, there is a train blocking the entrances into town. You will need to travel a mile east on 41 until you get to 176. Then head a mile south to Birch Road, then back west until 9th street to get into town. #WeAreFreeman🐦
10 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
👏🏻Congrats to🐦Freeman🗣️Speech on their 1️⃣st🏆place team finish at📍Weeping Water☀️today‼️ 🔹Brady Troxel🟰1️⃣st🥇Place Info & 1️⃣st🥇Place Extemp 🔹Ila Havelka🟰1️⃣st🥇Place POI 🔹Molly Flanagan🟰2️⃣nd🥈Place Info 🔹Sam Troxel🟰2️⃣nd🥈Place POI & 4️⃣th Place Humorous 🔹Ben Ruyle, Sam Troxel, Keston Krupicka, Andrew Robeson, Brady Troxel🟰3️⃣rd🥉Place OID 🔹Keston Krupicka🟰4️⃣th Place Entertainment 🔹Solomon Delhay🟰4️⃣th Place Persuasive 🔹Bekah Delhay🟰5️⃣th Place Entertainment 🔹Ben Ruyle & Keston Krupicka🟰5️⃣th Duet 🔹Isabelle Millard🟰6️⃣th Place Poetry 🔹Bekah Delhay & Erica Troxel🟰6️⃣th Duet 🔹Erica Troxel🟰6️⃣th Place Humorous #WeAreFreeman🐦
10 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
🤓Read Across🇺🇸America🗓️Week‼️ 🗓️Tuesday, March 4️⃣ 🟰 Bright💡Lights, Big🏙️Cities Day #WeAreFreeman🐦
10 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
High school🧠Quiz Bowl in action☀️today at📍JCC‼️ They started the☀️day with a win‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
10 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
🗣️Speech Meet at📍Weeping Water☀️today‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
10 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
💙🐦🤍 #WeAreFreeman🐦
10 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
District Final Basketball 🎟 NSAA Event – No Passes Accepted 💰 Admission: Adults $6 | Students (K-12) $5 🚪 Doors Open at 5:30 PM ✨ Special Admission Info: 🏀 Freeman K-6th Graders – Youth Basketball Association will cover your admission at the gate! 🏀 Freeman 7-12th Graders – Freeman Boosters will cover your admission at the gate! #WeAreFreeman🐦
10 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
3️⃣rd Quarter: Freeman🐦Falcons🟰4️⃣4️⃣ Aquinas Catholic👑Monarchs🟰2️⃣6️⃣ #WeAreFreeman🐦
13 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
🏀Halftime🏀 Freeman🐦Falcons🟰3️⃣0️⃣ Aquinas Catholic👑Monarchs🟰1️⃣4️⃣ Top🏀Scorers: 🐦Hudson Vetrovsky🟰1️⃣0️⃣ 🐦Easton Buss🟰9️⃣ 👑Bryant Stouffer🟰6️⃣ 🐦Keegan White🟰4️⃣ 🐦Owen Buss🟰3️⃣ 👑Garett Novacek🟰3️⃣ 👑Kailer Pohl🟰3️⃣ 🐦Trevor Reed🟰2️⃣ 🐦Aiden Glanz🟰2️⃣ 👑Dillon Bohuslavsky🟰2️⃣ #WeAreFreeman🐦
13 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
1️⃣st Quarter: Freeman🐦Falcons🟰1️⃣9️⃣ Aquinas Catholic👑Monarchs🟰9️⃣ #WeAreFreeman🐦
13 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
We are 1️⃣5️⃣ minutes⏳out from the🎬start of the🐦Falcons taking on the👑Monarchs in the C2-1 subdistrict🏆championship‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
13 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
Important information regarding Freeman's upcoming bond election
13 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
Bond information
High School💪🏻Strengths and Leadership and 8️⃣th grade👩🏻‍🍳FCS class🥳celebrating the Big A’s🎂birthday‼️🎉Happy Birthday, Ashton‼️ You are💙loved‼️🥰 #WeAreFreeman🐦
13 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
C2-1 Boys Basketball District Final Freeman vs. Sandy Creek 📅 Monday, 3/3 | ⏰ 6:30 PM | 📍 Freeman (N Gym) 🎟 NSAA Event – No Passes Accepted 💰 Admission: Adults $6 | Students (K-12) $5 🚪 Doors Open at 5:30 PM ✨ Special Admission Info: 🏀 Freeman K-6th Graders – Youth Basketball Association will cover your admission at the gate! 🏀 Freeman 7-12th Graders – Freeman Boosters will cover your admission at the gate! #WeAreFreeman🐦
13 days ago, Freeman Public Schools
Ending the month watching Stuart Little!
13 days ago, Freeman Elementary
movie day