We are minutes⏳away from the🎬start of the 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣ ECNC⛹🏻‍♀️Girls semifinal🏆game, with the🐦Falcons taking on the🪽Thunderbirds‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
💙Welcome🏠home, DBK‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
🤩Ready for #DBK‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
When🤩legends get🎤interviewed‼️ #DBK🏐 #WeAreFreeman🐦
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
Help support the Freeman eSports team as we launch our campaign to purchase some much needed equipment. 1 TV and 1 Nintendo Switch! Thanks for considering! https://gofund.me/0f3f1422 Any questions? Please reach out to Mr. Delhay at aaron.delhay@freemanschools.net
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
Freeman ESports Go Fund Me
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
Come👩🏼‍🏫👨🏻‍🏫work for us⏩next🗓️year, as we begin a✨new✨opportunity for our🧑🏻‍🦱👩🏼‍🦱students, here at🐦Freeman‼️ https://www.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=c6a537e282649854&from=shareddesktop #WeAreFreeman🐦
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
🐦Freeman 6️⃣th Grade🏫ESU5 Elementary🧠Quiz Bowl🏆Champions‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
The Freeman Overwatch team competed at the national level today against Newport High School in Newport, Arkansas. The Falcons coast to an easy 3 - 0 victory! #freemanfalcons
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
Freeman vs Newport Results
The Valorant team takes home a victory against Centennial with a 13-0 score. Freeman moves to 2 - 0 for the season! Keep working Falcons! #freemanfalcons
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
Freeman vs Centennial Results
Freeman falls to Ord in Mario Kart, 89 to 67. Tough battle against a good team! #freemanfalcons
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
Freeman vs Ord results
Freeman eSports has a busy week this week competing in 5 matches! Good Luck Falcons! #freemanfalcons
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
Freeman eSports Schedule for the week
The bus lists for the DBK event can be found here: https://5il.co/3740b If you signed up to ride, please find your name and which bus you are on. Student and Parent t-shirts and tickets have been passed out. Community members, you can pick up your items Thursday between 8-11 AM Questions - Please contact the office.
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
🤗Happy🇺🇸National School❤️Counseling🗓️Week‼️ 🙏🏻Blessed to work with the🙌🏻absolute best School💙Counselor‼️ 🙏🏻Thank you👩🏼‍🏫Mrs. Alexander, for❤️EVERYTHING you do for all the people in your life, here at🐦Freeman‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
🚨#DBK👕T-SHIRT ALERT🚨 All👕t-shirts have been🤲🏻handed out to👦🏼👩🏻‍🏫students/staff‼️ If you are a community🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏼‍♀️member who ordered a👕shirt, you need to🛑stop in the office🗓️TOMORROW morning between 8️⃣:0️⃣0️⃣➖1️⃣1️⃣:0️⃣0️⃣ to🫳🏻pick yours up‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
🤷🏻‍♂️What do you do when you need to sort and distribute 7️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ #DBK👕shirts, with🤏🏻minimal⏰time to😅work with❓You get🙋🏻‍♀️Kristin Kroeker and her distribution team on it‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
Freeman Families: There are some areas of freezing rain and potentially slick roads. Freeman will remain in session and buses will run accordingly. Please take your time when traveling home from school. If parents wish to pick up students early, please contact the office. Thank you for your flexibility. 
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
The💐Flowers For All🏬business is a🏫school-based🏬business operated by 5️⃣ students from the🐦Freeman🌽FFA Chapter‼️ They are🧐learning the ins and outs of👩🏻‍💼entrepreneurship,🤲🏻customer service,📈marketing and the🌸floral industry, while having fun along the way. Their👟kickoff event is a💘Valentine's🗓️Day🏷️sale featuring🌺carnation and🌹rose💐bouquets in floral sleeves as well as💝candy bouquets‼️ To👩🏻‍💻order, complete👇🏻this form‼️ 🌼https://forms.gle/EmxdZYv6Ks62Whwd9 All👨🏼‍💻orders are✅due by🕛midnight on🗓️Sunday, February 9️⃣th‼️ #WeAreFreeman🐦
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
🚨Regarding🚌busses to🏟️Devaney: We will📧email and👨🏼‍💻post a📋list on social media by 3️⃣:0️⃣0️⃣pm🗓️today, letting🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒families know which🚌bus they will ride on‼️ There will be 2️⃣ UNL🚌🚌busses and 1️⃣ school🚌bus going‼️ As of now, our plan is that everyone who✍🏻signed up to ride a🚌bus, will be able to do so‼️ #DBK🏐 #WeAreFreeman🐦
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools
🥰Happy Wellness Crew🗓️Wednesday‼️ Remember, every🏔️challenge you face is an opportunity to📈grow💪🏻stronger‼️ Even when it feels😓tough, believe in your😤resilience and keep pushing⏩forward‼️ You have the💪🏻strength to overcome anything that comes your way‼️ We💙love🫵🏻YOU and we’re🥹proud of🫵🏻YOU‼️ ➖ Wellness🫂Crew #WeAreFreeman🐦
about 1 month ago, Freeman Public Schools